J. Alejandro Rojas

Soil Ecology and Pathology Lab @ University of Arkansas

Selected Publications

Multiplex qPCR and isothermal RPA (recombinase polymerase amplification) assays were developed using a hierarchical approach to detect Phytophthora sojae and P. sansomeana. The assays consist of a genus-specific probe and two species-specific probes that target the atp9-nad9 region of the mitochondrial genome that is highly specific for the genus Phytophthora. The qPCR approach multiplexes the three probes and a plant internal control. The RPA assays run each probe independently with a plant internal control multiplexed in one amplification, obtaining a result in as little as 20 mins.
In Plant Disease, 2017

This study provides a comprehensive characterization of oomycete species present in soybean seedling roots in the major production areas in the United States and Ontario, Canada and provides a basis for disease management and breeding programs.
In Phytopathology, 2017

The present study suggests that oomycete species composition across geographical locations of soybean production is affected by a combination of environmental and edaphic conditions. This knowledge provides the basis to understand the ecology and distribution of oomycete species, especially those able to cause diseases in soybean, providing cues to develop management strategies.
In Phytopathology, 2017


Diversity and host specificity of Populus and Pine mycobiome

Research conducted on ecotmycorrhiza and endophytes associated with Populus and Pinus in the Mycology lab @ Duke.

Oomycetes associated with field crops

Studying the diversity, ecology and function of oomycete species associated with field crops.



+++ # About/Biography widget. widget = “about” active = true date = “2016-04-20T00:00:00”

Order that this section will appear in.

weight = 5

List your academic interests.

[interests] interests = [ “Mycology”, “Plant Pathology”, “Fungal Ecology”, “Phytobiomes”, “Population genetics/genomics” ]

List your qualifications (such as academic degrees).

[[education.courses]] course = “PhD Plant Pathology / Ecology, Evolutionary Biology and Behaviour” institution = “Michigan State University” year = 2016

[[education.courses]] course = “MSc Plant Pathology” institution = “Michigan State University” year = 2011

[[education.courses]] course = “MSc in Biological Sciences (Microbiology)” institution = “Los Andes University” year = 2007

[[education.courses]] course = “BSc Microbiology” institution = “Los Andes University” year = 2005



I am an assistant professor at the University of Arkansas - Division of Agriculture, my lab focuses on the ecology and biology of soil microbes, especially understaing the management of plant pathogens. I worked as a postdoctoral associate in the Vilgalys Lab at Duke University. I earned a B.Sc. in Microbiology, and a M.Sc. in Biological Sciences with a focus on Microbiology in Los Andes University in Bogotá, Colombia. I pursued a M.Sc. degree in Plant Pathology at Michigan State University, followed by a double major PhD in Plant Pathology and Ecology, Evolutionary Biology and Behavior at the same institution. My research has been focused on the biology and the genetics of fungi and oomycetes and their interactions with plants. My research is focused on the understanding of endophytic and root associate fungi and their interactions with plants using different ’omic approaches. My research encompasses applied and basic research to characterize the population and community ecology of fungi and oomycetes that interact with plants in the rhizosphere and soil environment.